Our Profile
At Longwall Chain Australia Pty Ltd, our Health, Safety, Environment and Community (HSEC) responsibilities are integral to the way we do business…
Our Commitments
We are committed to continual improvement in our HSEC performance.
Health and Safety
We aspire to zero harm to people. Our fundamental belief is that all injuries can be prevented.
This responsibility starts with each one of us.
We care for the environment. We are committed to the efficient use of resources, reducing and preventing pollution, and product stewardship.
We strive to be valued corporate citizens in our communities. We respect the values and cultural heritage of local people.
Our Actions
To meet our HSEC commitments, we will set targets, develop, implement and maintain management standards and systems, and comply with relevant industry standards and legal requirements.
We will engage all our employees to build relationships based on honesty, openness and mutual trust and share responsibility for meeting the goals of our HSEC policy.
We will identify, assess and manage our HSEC risk.
“We will truly succeed when we achieve our health, safety and environmental goals and are valued by the communities in which we work”